Tag Archives: Alan Rickman

The Top 11 Action Movies

From AH-nold to Van Dammaging, this is the ‘definitive’ list of no holds barred, manlier than manlier, high kicking, and needless explosion-y movies (that’ll make most women roll their eyes in complete annoyance), well, until next year or something.

Now, I do not take this task (which I brought upon myself) lightly. The people must know! There is something undeniably therapeutic when watching people tear each other apart. Whether this is to avenge a death or to prevent a post-apocalyptic future from occurring, these movies more often than not require multiple viewings.

My criteria (or benchmarks) in gathering this “Ultimate List” stems from various factors: top notch action (duh!), story, style and even some one-liners. I need to also mention that a lot of these movies are in different genres as well – sci fi/action, action/drama, fantasy/action, superhero/action, etc. You get it.
Counting down…..

11. The Raid 2

You want elaborate martial arts sequences and bone crushing moves? Look no further. This is the ‘godfather’ of martial arts movies (I’m serious). The highly popular Indonesian movie has made waves internationally and even made way for its actors/martial artists (Iko Uwais,Yayan Ruhian) to appear in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, albeit briefly. I’ve included a clip from the film to entice you. I literally had to pull my jaw from the floor after witnessing these intricate, highly stylized action sequences. Get over your hesitation of subtitled movies. If you don’t, you’ll miss out on a lot of great movies, including this gem.


10. Lethal Weapon

“I’m too old for this sh*t” – Murtaugh (Danny Glover)

This is the best buddy cop movie ever (“Lethal Weapon 2” is a close follow up). This is the movie that would later help define what a buddy cop movie should entail – reluctant partners who form a meaningful relationship, one liners, chase scenes and explosions. Not only that, this is Mel Gibson in top form. Say what you will of the guy as of late, but when you can actually ‘act’ in an action movie, it makes it all the better. The story focuses on Riggs, a LA cop who just loses his wife. Riggs, who is now understandably volatile, is reassigned to a new partner – a family man that is near retirement – Murtaugh. Together they form a bond while also uncovering a huge drug trafficking ring led by Gary ‘freakin’ Busey.

9. The Dark Knight

“Where’s Rachel?!!” – Batman (Christian Bale)

Not only is this one of the best superhero films to date, it also features breathtaking set pieces in which the action takes place. In the movie (if by some weird circumstance you haven’t seen the film), Batman is challenged by a villain like never before, the Joker. He would rather watch the world burn and gets off by toying with people, especially Bats and Harvey Dent. He presents them with a moral dilemma to see if he can ‘corrupt them’. A fascinating tale and look into a conflicted Batman and his deeper, moral fiber. Also, let’s not forget the snatch and grab scene in Tokyo, Bats battling a bunch of guys using cell phone sonar signals, or the chase scene that ultimately lead to Bats using his bat bike.

8. Rambo: First Blood

“Why you gotta be pushing me?” – John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone)

When a war veteran, John Rambo (Stallone), goes looking for a friend in a small Washington town, he ends up meeting Sheriff Teasle (Brian Dennehy), who sees him as a threat to the peaceful way of life. When Teasle and his fellow officers try to take him in and clean him up, Rambo has PTSD of his time as a prisoner of war in Vietnam and unleashes his fury on the entire department. This sets up a man hunt throughout the mountains and, consequently, a one man war against Teasle and the entire police department. However, Rambo’s affliction runs deeper than anyone else really knows. Not only can Rambo fight but he can survive….anywhere. This makes him a total bada$$. Gosh, I wish I had his knife – it comes with a rope and a compass. There’s a reason there’s three sequels to this movie.

7. Bloodsport

“You’re Next!” – Chun Li (Bolo Yeung)

This is what made Jean Claude Van Damme, the muscles from Brussels, an international superstar. An underground fighting tournament is held in Hong Kong every year and Frank Dux (JCVD) attends to honor his shidoshi (master). Along the way, he meets a brash, goofy fellow competitor, Jackson (played by Donald Gibb) while also trying to thwart military officers (Forest Whitaker and Norman Burton) who want him for going AWOL. What makes this one of the best action movies? Van Damme. Sure, he can’t act but his athleticism and martial arts skills are of such a high caliber that he transcends as a major star. Of course, there are the varieties of different martial artists in this that include: a Thai kickboxer, a monkey style fighter, a sumo wrestler, and kung fu fighters. My favorite scene is the unorthodox training of Frank Dux (a la learning how to fight while blindfolded and that machine that enables him to do the splits) as it was integral in him defeating Chun Li (sorry, spoiler!) after a substance temporarily blinds him. Not to mention, the movie has a kick a$$ soundtrack that always gets me in the mood to work out!

6. Terminator 2: Judgment Day

“Come with me if you want to live.” – T800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

Yes, I believe this is the superior film of the film series. Even the special effects of this still resonate today. Man, liquid metal never looked so cool. Arnie is a good T-800 this go around who is sent back in time and must protect John Connor to ensure there is a resistance against the machines in the future. Things get muddled when the machines send back a more advanced robot – the T1000 (Robert Patrick). Excellent action sequences are highlighted by the one on one robot smack downs and basically whenever Arnie shoots off any large gun. A huge plus goes to Arnie as his wooden acting plays well to his T800 character. Just ignore any of the ‘Terminator’ films that came after this.

5. Die Hard

“Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mr. Cowboy?” – Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman)

This is one of the all-time classics. An on vacation cop, John McClane (Bruce Willis), visits his estranged wife on Christmas Eve while at her corporate party at a Japanese owned high rise. Things are fine until terrorists crash the party and take everyone hostage. Eventually, McClane realizes he’s the only one to save them. Who can forget that fight between McClane and Karl or the mere fact that he’s running around slaying the bad guys with no shoes on? This is chalk full of suspense and, yes, many one-liners. One of the best Christmas movies out there (although my personal favorite Christmas movie remains “Bad Santa”).

4. Face/Off

“Interception. Looks like our side’s got the ball.” – Castor Troy as Sean Archer (John Travolta)

How can I not include this movie? You’ve got a whacky Nicolas Cage and a whimsical Travolta. Yes, people complain about the implausibility of the premise – switching faces and what not (hmm… isn’t “Game of Thrones” exploring that with the Faceless God?). They are sadly missing the point here. In order to have fun with this movie, you have to overlook this and play what the notion of ‘what if’. What if my worst enemy (do people have a lot of enemies?) and myself switched bodies? The ramifications would be tremendous. That’s why this movie stands on its own.

The premise centers on an FBI agent, Sean Archer (Travolta), who goes after a global terrorist, Castor Troy (Cage), who also killed his son. As the film’s tagline would suggest, ‘in order to defeat him, I must become him’. If only I used the same M.O. with my enemies!

Moreover, initial casting of this movie was going to be Sylvester Stallone and Arnie Schwarzenegger. Can you imagine? Anyways, with Travolta and Cage we at least get stronger performances that help carry the emotional turmoil these characters go through.

3. Raiders of the Lost Ark

“I hate snakes, Jock!” – Indiana Jones

Renowned archeologist, Dr. Jones, is hired by the US government to obtain the Ark of the Covenant, which supposedly still holds the Ten Commandments. It just so happens that Hitler’s officers are also after the same thing. Together, with the help of his ex-flame, the two go on a globetrotting adventure while also playing a cat and mouse game with the Nazis. Filled with complex action sequences (especially that chase scene), fist fights and that famous scene where Indy shoots a man with sword skills. To me, this is my favorite character that Harrison Ford plays.

2. The Matrix

“Are you telling me I can dodge bullets?” – Neo (Keanu Reeves)

Forget the sequels. When you entice your audience so much and grandstand with a plethora of ideas, any attempt at answering the questions you raise will only be met with much criticism. Look, movies should ‘entice’ us to think differently, but it is when they take a firm position on anything, they throw out anyone’s preconceived notions that they had answered in their heads. Anyways, to include this movie is a no-brainer. It has everything you want. Incredible visuals, top notch fight sequences, and an original plot line that intrigues us. Neo is a lonely computer programmer/hacker that always felt like his life was ‘amiss’. This is the case until he meets the mysterious Morpheus, who informs him that he has been living in a dream world constructed by machines. On top of that, he finds out that he is the prophesized ‘one’ who will lead to resistance against the machines. The film makes us question our reality and our purpose. Large scale ideas mixed with interesting characters and action/adventure, and you have got a hit.  

1. Point Break

“Wars of religion always make me laugh because basically you’re fighting over who has the best imaginary friend.” – Johnny Utah (Keanu Reeves)

The framework for this masterpiece was actually stolen by the “The Fast and Furious” movie. An undercover FBI agent, Johnny Utah (Reeves), is tasked with investigating potential bank robbers – that also wear US presidents’ masks. As his lead hints that the robbers may also be surfers, he tries to get in good with the local surfers. This puts him into contact with the ultra-cool Bodhi Satva (Patrick Swayze). The two form a highly unique friendship, one that sees Utah changing his outlook on life and becoming an adrenaline junkie to experience his spiritual side. With that, the other dimension of this movie separates it from the pack because not only do we get excellent surfing and sky diving scenes, but there is an embedded philosophical take on how being close to injury or death is what it means to feel alive.

Outside of this, we have a bunch of awesome one-liners and a zangy Gary Busey, who plays Utah’s partner, Pappas. Think, this is the same year (1991) that Keanu Reeves starred in “Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey”. Right around this time, Reeves was being eyed for more serious roles that eventually paved the way for stardom with films like “Speed”, “The Matrix”, and “John Wick”.

So, there you have it. I’m positive I left a movie out that I’m sure someone will give me hell for. Oh, and yes, “Point Break” is my favorite action movie. It has everything that I love – action, bromance, spiritualism, adrenaline filled stunts, and one-liners.  

Feel like I left something out? Let me know via @popculturecrunc , @nitropetersen or feel free to drop a comment below or email us at pccbits@gmail.com.

In Alan Rickman, the World Lost an Acting Giant

Preface: I don’t write about every entertainer who passes away. Why write about some entertainers, and not others? It’s not that other entertainers are unworthy. One answer is that I only have limited time. But even more so, it’s simply that – due to entertainers’ unique qualities, our own preferences, or happy mistakes – there are some entertainment giants who happen to have a greater impact on our own individual lives. Alan Rickman was a favorite of mine (OK, and my wife’s).

We lost one of the great ones today. Alan Rickman, a British actor of exceptional quality, passed away today at the age of 69.

Quality acting is a bit difficult to define. Is it a place, a thing, a sound, a smell? Like obscenity law, you generally know it when you see it. Liam Neeson? Certainly. Kate Winslet? Absolutely. Ashton Kutcher? Ahem. Ryan Reynolds? Ehhh, there’s a debate in there. With Alan Rickman, you not only saw it, you actively sought it out to get your Alan Rickman fix.

Rickman was an acting giant. His rich, sonorous voice was as velvety and imposing as it was unique. That particular combination of tone, diction, resonance, and inflection is a rarity.¹ His presence was also imposing, both on the screen and in real life. When he was on the screen, you knew who you were watching, even if you couldn’t place his name.

Rickman was classically trained, building his acting chops on Shakespeare and other plays. Once he broke through with a Tony nomination for his role as Valmont in Les Liaisons Dangereuses in 1986, it wasn’t long before made his impression as Die Hard’s Hans Gruber on the big screen.  His performance as Die Hard’s villain was just the beginning of a long and satisfying career, which includes the likes of Truly, Madly, Deeply; Sense and Sensibility; Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny; Dogma; Galaxy Quest; and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Certainly, that’s not all. And what made his career special wasn’t always the movies themselves; it was what he added to them.

I will remember Alan Rickman most for his roles as the Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves; Hans Gruber in Die Hard; Harry in Love, Actually; and of course, as the magnificent Severus Snape in the Harry Potter movies. Rickman’s body of work, which includes some directing, is a testament to his dedication and talents. No matter who or what Rickman was playing, he took even the most mirthful of roles (King Philip, King of the Hill) seriously.

Rickman also knew how to keep things in perspective. Though he won awards, Rickman shared a healthy philosophy about not winning an Academy Award. In 2008, he stated, “Parts win prizes, not actors”.

Even as a fan, Alan Rickman is the kind of guy who, when your significant other professes Rickman as her (or his) celebrity crush, you don’t hate. You simply think: “Of course he is. Rickman has ten times the cachet and dignity of a Channing Tatum.”

As a person, only those who knew him can speak for Alan Rickman. Writing shortly after his death, Rickman’s co-star and friend Emma Thompson wrote of him:

“Alan was my friend and so this is hard to write because I have just kissed him goodbye.

What I remember most in this moment of painful leave-taking is his humour, intelligence, wisdom, and kindness. His capacity to fell you with a look or lift you with a word.

That intransigence which made him the great artist that he was — his inedible and cynical wit, the clarity with which he saw most things…

He was the finest of actors and directors. I couldn’t wait to see what he was going to do with his face next. I consider myself hugely privileged to have worked with him so many times and to have been directed by him.

He was, above all things, a rare and unique human being and we shall not see his like again.”

Indeed, Alan Rickman will be greatly missed. His voice will appear in one more film, as the Blue Caterpillar in Alice Through the Looking Glass in May 2016. I suspect that as Rickman’s films age, he will only become more appreciated. As for today, it is a sorrowful day. In addition to who he was as a human being, Alan Rickman’s particular combination of natural traits and honed acting are something we are likely to never see on the screen again. And for that, the world is a sadder place.

¹ If you ever want to hear a voice that’s similar, watch Laurence Fox as James Hathaway on the Inspector Lewis TV series.

August 2015 Movie Releases (DvD & Blu-Ray)

August 4th


Insurgent – The movie cousin to The Hunger Games has a sequel. Based upon the YA(young adult) novel, this sequel focuses on the war between four factions (Amity, Abnegation, Erudite, and Dauntless). Tris is one of the divergents (having all 4 characteristics) as she helps lead the way in a fight for peace or something like that. Starring: Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Kate Winslet and the god awful Jai Courtney.


Do You Believe? – A religious movie about how a pastor influences another pastor to be more pastorly. Starring: Mira Sorvino, Sean Astin (Rudy), and Cybill Shepherd.


True Story – This is that James Franco and Jonah Hill movie that was based on a true story. It focuses on the relationship between a writer, Finkel (Hill) and a murderer, Longo (Franco), taking upon Finkel’s identity. Finkel was a writer for the New York Times Magazine and was actually fired for fabricating parts of a news story in 2002.


Child 44 – Tom Hardy plays a Russian Intelligence agent (in the Joseph Stalin era) who takes on a case involving multiple murders of children. Leo Demidov’s (Hardy) case leads to high authorities in the Russian government. Based upon the first in a trilogy of novels by Tom Rob Smith, the story follows Demidov’s exploits. Starring: Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace (Prometheus), Gary Oldman (The Dark Knight, The Professional), Joel Kinnaman (The Killing, upcoming Suicide Squad), Jason Clarke (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes), Vincent Cassel (Trance), and Charles Dance (Game of Thrones, The Golden Child).An incredible cast doesn’t always spell box office success. Still, I am likely to rent this.


A Little Chaos – A movie about competitive garden designers that are tasked to create a one of a kind water fountain on the grounds of le chateau de Versailles. I’m not making this up. Starring: Kate Winslet (The Reader), Alan Rickman (Harry Potter), Stanley Tucci(Transformers 4: Age of Extinction), and Matthias Schoenaerts (Bullhead).


Adult Beginners – A drama about a businessman (Nick Kroll) that loses it all but while staying with his sister (Rose Byrne) learns valuable life lessons. Starring: Nick Kroll (The League), Rose Byrne (X-Men: First Class), Bobby Cannavale (Ant-Man), Joel McHale (Ted) and Jason Mantzoukas (The Dictator, The League).


The Salvation – Mads Mikkelsen stars as a vengeful settler in the American West circa 1870s after the murder of his family. After killing the man responsible, the leader of their gang also seeks revenge. Looks like a decent flick. Starring: Mads Mikkelsen (Casino Royale, Hannibal), Eva Green (Casino Royale), and Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Watchmen).


Barely Lethal – This movie follows a 16 year old teenager assassin after she fakes her own death and enrolls in a suburban high school. She quickly learns that school clicks and popularity come at a price. Starring: Jessica Alba (Sin City), Sophie Turner (Game of Thrones), and Samuel L. Jackson (every movie). Yawn!


Madame Bovary – A drama focusing on an adulterous wife as she tries to escape her boring lifestyle. Starring: Mia Wasikowska (In Treatment, Alice in Wonderland), Ezra Miller (Trainwreck, upcoming Flash), Paul Giamatti (Sideways) and Rhys Ifans (The Amazing Spider-Man).


Jackie & Ryan – Katherine Heigl still manages to headline movies, although this one looks straight to video. The story involves two musicians as they find themselves in love. Starring Katherine Heigl, Ben Barnes and Clea DuVall.


August 11th


Hot Pursuit – All of the previews for this mess looked like a rip off of The Heat with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. This is a ‘female buddy’ film that has a conservative cop (Reese Witherspoon) and the wife of a drug dealer (Sofia Vergara) that must team up against a drug cartel. If Sofia’s blabbering accent on Modern Family isn’t enough for you, then check this out!


Unfriended – A high school girl that killed herself due to a cruel prank now communicates via Skype in video group chats! Okay, it sounds lame but at least it’s a different way for the genre of horror to reach another generation of kids.


Robot Overlords – Humans are slaves to a race of robots that conquered the world. People are confined to their homes and must wear implants. I’m not sure how this escaped me as it stars Ben Kingsley (Ghandi, Tut) and Gillian Anderson (X-Files). I may watch if the SyFy Channel picks it up.


August 18th


Little Boy – A seven year old boy ventures off to bring his father back home from the World War II. The boy’s innocence incites those embedded in the war. Starring Emily Watson, Kevin James (you read that right), Michael Rapaport, Tom Wilkinson and Ali Landry (that hot Dorito’s commercial girl).


Lambert & Stamp – This documentary chronicles the journey of aspiring filmmakers, Christopher Stamp and Kit Lambert, as they try to produce a movie during the 1960’s underground music scene. The doc also features footage with famous people related to The Who, Richard Barnes, Roger Daltry, and Pete Townshend.


5 to 7 – This is a romantic comedy that follows a woman who writes about falling in love. Things get crazy when the person she is in love with is the French diplomat’s wife! Gasp! Caged Heat sounds better.


Strangerland – A family moves to the Australian outback when a dust storm results in the loss of their children. A search party forms to find the missing children amidst rumors and suspicion. Spooky! Starring: Nicole Kidman (Fur), Joseph Fiennes (Voldemort’s brother) and Hugo Weaving (The Matrix, Lord of the Rings).


The Riot Club – In this thriller, two freshman join an infamous club at Oxford. One day, all of the spoiled, rich students get in over their heads. Based upon the play, Posh.  The movie,Skulls, is probably much better than this but that ain’t saying much!


Vendetta – Remember Dean Cain? Well, if you haven’t went out of your way to research where he’s been, you’d still only remember him for playing Superman in the TV series, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. Mr. Cain has been playing in direct to video movies for quite some time. In this movie, he plays a cop who must get revenge after his wife is murdered by The Big Show (Paul Wight or WWE fame). This looks like hung-over viewing.


August 25th


Aloha – An all-star cast surrounds this box office disappointment. Brian Gilcrest is a US weapons consultant that becomes disgraced, then later talks to a robot and then eventually heads to Hawaii to oversee the launch of a spy satellite. He must also get permission for the launch from the Hawaiian council as part of his assignment. Directed by fan-favorite Cameron Crowe (Almost Famous, Jerry Maguire) and starring: Bradley Cooper, Emma, Stone, Rachel McAdams, John Krasinski, Danny McBride, Alec Baldwin, and Bill Murray.


Citizenfour – This riveting looking documentary showcases how filmmaker, Laura Poitras (who focuses on gov’t surveillance of private citizens post 9/11) receives an encrypted email by “citizenfour” who claims to have inside knowledge of covert surveillance by intelligence agencies. “Citizenfour” ends up being Edward Snowden. The documentary focuses on key interviews with Snowden and Julian Assange. Looks very interesting.


Where Hope Grows – Holy 1980s! This movie stars Danica McKellar (The Wonder Years) and William Zabka (bad guy from The Karate Kid). The story focuses on a former professional baseball player who retires because of panic attacks. He eventually develops a relationship with a store clerk who has Downs Syndrome. His perspective on life changes and hope is learned…blah…blah…blah….I’ll pass.


Two Days, One Night – Marion Cotillard (Inception, La Vie en Rose) stars in this drama about how working class people who may have been disenfranchised from society. Sandra (Cotillard) tries to return to her job after an episode of depression only to find that her employer no longer needs her. She learns her fate is to be decided by her fellow employees in a vote.


Big Game – A teenager finds the President of the United States in a pod while hunting. Together they must make it through the woods alive as terrorists close in. Starring: Samuel L. Jackson (every movie) and Onni Tommila.


Skin Trade – Dolph Lundgren stars as a detective out for revenge after his family was slain by the mob. The mob is eventually connected to a human trafficking ring and Dolph must work with Tony Jaa (Ong Bak, The Defender), a Thai detective, to destroy them once and for all. Hung-over viewing.


Justice League: Gods and Monsters – Set in an alternate universe, DC’s trinity (Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman) find themselves framed for a bombing. DC’s main guns all have different origin stories and must decide whether they want to save the world or conquer it. Voice actors: Benjamin Bratt, Michael C. Hall, Tamara Taylor, Jason Isaacs and C. Thomas Howell. It’s a comic book animated movie! Count me in.


Lila & Eve – A drama/thriller surrounding a mother, Lila, who loses her son in a drive by shooting.  Lila eventually meets Eve, another mother who lost her daughter the same night. Together they go after the criminals responsible. Starring: Viola Davis and Jennifer Lopez. Lifetime should starting making theatrical releases.


October Gale – This follows a doctor who tries to assist an injured man on an island from a man that is hunting him. Starring Patricia Clarkson, Scott Speedman, and Tim Roth.


The Runner – Nicolas Cage is back again as a once idealistic politician that must re-examine his life after a sex scandal destroys his career. Not to be confused with a good movie, this stars Nicolas Cage, Sarah Paulson (12 Years a Slave), Peter Fonda (Easy Rider) and Connie Nielsen (Gladiator). Will Nic Cage ever make a comeback from box office obscurity?