Tag Archives: Ex Machina

The Best Science Fiction Films

It’s always been difficult to answer the “what’s your favorite movie” question. Being a ‘Sherlock’ of sorts with cinema, I simply have too much to factor in. A better response to the question should be, “which genre?” With this edition, I wanted to focus on the Sci-Fi genre. If I’m being honest with myself, I gravitate towards ‘types’ of films based upon mood just like anyone else but I also do a lot of my viewings in phases. Perhaps that’s why I’m writing this – lately I feel like I want to escape. What better genre of movie than science fiction?

Factors considered: Thought provocation, performances, writing, direction, and overall production (set pieces, cinematography, music, editing, etc.)

*This countdown starts with 16, because why not?

16. Her (2013)

This one is unfairly overlooked but it is likely due to the offbeat genres that director Spike Jonze (“Adaptation”, “Being John Malkovich”) continues to be known for. In this, we follow Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix), a depressed man who works as a writer of personal letters (for those that cannot write something personal themselves) and is dealing with the impending divorce of his childhood sweetheart (Rooney Mara). Still reeling and unhappy, Theodore ends up buying an operation system that is capable of learning on its own and has a personable voice. Theodore ends up selecting a female voice and naming the OS Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johannson). Strangely, Theodore ends up developing a meaningful relationship with Samantha as she (the operating system) forces him to grow as a person. Theodore comes to terms with a lot in his life through Samantha. The two develop a relationship where the very nature of ‘love’ is questioned.  

The film is insightful and makes you question how we relate to each other and how the concept of ‘love’ is subjective. We all feel alone and wish to ‘truly connect’ with another. Never has a film captured this so well.

15. The Last Starfighter (1984)

Doesn’t everyone remember this film fondly? This, along with “Tron”, was one of the first films to use a lot of CGI. Looking back at the effects, you’d likely shake your head but you have to admire what they were trying to accomplish. The premise is neat in that it follows how a teenager (Alex), living in a trailer park, is obsessed with the arcade game, Starfighter, in which he must protect “the Frontier” from Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada. After becoming the highest scoring player, he is approached by an alien named Centauri who explains that the arcade game was a test to find those ‘gifted’ so that they may help in the fight against well, Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada. There’s a lot of 1980s cheese here too, including a subplot that finds a cloned android of Alex trying to pass as the real Alex.

This story is inspiring and fun to think about. What if that video game you’ve spent hundreds of hours playing was actually meant for something? Furthermore, the filmmakers are trying to figure out how to make a sequel but the last rumblings have this in the form of a virtual reality video game. It’s ‘mission: stay tuned’ for anything further from ‘The Last Starfighter’.

14. Planet of the Apes (1968)

“Take you stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!” – George Taylor (Charlton Heston)

I’d be a fool not to include this. The story on which the film is based was conceived due to author Pierre Boulle’s fascination with the humanlike expressions of apes. This led Boulle to begin questioning the relationship between man and ape. The plot of the book, “La Planete des Singes”, focused more on human overreliance with technology (and our complacency) which led to our overruling by the apes.

Anyways, the film follows how an astronaut, George Taylor (played by Charlton Heston), crash lands on a planet run by (you guessed it) apes. The apes are captivated by Taylor as he can actually speak, unlike the rest of the humans they have enslaved. Taylor tries to use his intelligence to outsmart the apes but it really only leads him to the most shocking truth by the film’s end – the planet that he is actually on is a futuristic earth – where the fall of man led to the rise of apes. I would say spoiler alert but it’s been 40 plus years.

13. Dark City (1998)

A man, Robert Murdoch (Rufus Sewell), wakes up in a bathtub without any memory as to who he is. He receives a phone call warning him that people are after him and that he must leave. During the call, he also realizes that there is a brutalized corpse on the floor which suggests he is a serial killer. This puts him on the run for answers that leads him to venture out the only memory he seems to have – of a place called ‘Shell Beach’. Soon, Murdoch comes to find out there are seemingly ‘alien like’ creatures (referred to as ‘strangers’) after him, especially after exhibits the ability to ‘tune’, which are ‘mind powers’.

I do not wish to spoil the ending of such a great film but would mention that if you have even the slightest sway to the sci-fi realm, then I highly recommend this. This also blends sci-fi with the noir genre of the 1940s/1950s – not just with story but also aesthetics. The film is one of the first of its kind – this came out before “The Matrix” mind you.

12. Donnie Darko (2001)

This was an indie film that had a huge cult following and helped give Jake Gyllenhaal his big break. The story is set in 1988 when a troubled teenager, Donnie Darko, is told by a man named Frank (in a giant rabbit costume) that the world is going to end in 28 days. After sleep walking, Donnie comes home to a jet engine having fallen on his room in his family’s house (no one knows where the jet engine came from). We then begin to learn more about Donnie via his sessions with his psychotherapist and how his actions are perpetrated by his visits with Frank (whom his therapist believes are hallucinations). Donnie even starts acting oddly and begins to understand how time travel could theoretically work. We are then thrust in a series of events that leads to the mysterious jet engine in the beginning of the film. Many heralded the film for its deeply emotional themes, scientific explorations, and open ended conclusion that left many in great discussion.

11. Predator (1984)

An alien with cornrows hunts down people one by one until there’s one left – Dutch (Arnie Schwarzenegger). Okay, it’s slightly more complicated than that. A group of mercenaries are recruited to rescue an official in the jungles of Val Verde (which is a fictional South/Central American country or city used by Hollywood to avoid getting into legal or diplomatic disputes). They soon come to find out that they are actually there to help the CIA gather further intelligence after a US Armed Special Forces unit was brutally murdered. Shortly thereafter, the ‘predator’ gets to work and starts picking off the mercenaries one by one. It’s up to Ah-nold to take down the bada$$ predator. The cast is rounded out by some greats – Carl Weathers, Jesse Ventura, and Sonny Landham.

Fun Fact: Jean Claude Van Damme was the initial actor chosen to play the Predator.

10. Alien (1979)

The ultimate sci fi/horror film not only made us crawl outside our own skin, but introduced a wonderfully directed movie from the visionary Ridley Scott. It may be best described as venereal horror in that many of the alien designs were symbolic of sexual organs attacking their hosts. Certainly creepy and a visual masterpiece, the story focuses on a space crew that answers a supposed distress signal on an alien planet but discover that it was actually a warning. Of course, all goes to hell when a contaminated member is allowed access to the ship causing all sorts of problems. This is a must watch.

9. Total Recall (1990)

I wish I could shut up about this movie. I constantly think about it. Society is getting closer and closer to the short story by Philip K. Dick – “We Can Remember for You Wholesale”, on which this movie is based. The story finds a man who decides to get a memory implant of an adventure on the planet Mars. He begins to awake in mid-implant and escapes realizing that it has been a set up and that he isn’t who he thinks he is. His entire life has been implanted with what he thinks is his real life. This is the strongest notion of the film – the idea that memories can be implanted when in fact they never happened. By the film’s end, we are unsure if what Arnie accomplished was real or was just an implanted memory he was recalling.

“Consider that a divorce” – Douglas McQuaid (Arnie Schwarzenegger)

Even if you don’t like the genre, the film boasts plenty of one-liners and action sequences to please any Schwarzenegger fan. Also, this is the same director behind other great movies – “Robocop” and “Basic Instinct”.

8. Minority Report (2002)

Based upon “The Minority Report” short story by (you guessed it) Philip K. Dick, this loose adaptation stars a classic Tom Cruise as John Anderton, a Pre-Crime agent in 2054 Washington, D.C. The agency is essentially run by three pre-cogs and their recorded visions. While on assignment, Anderton sees a recording of himself murdering someone (in the future…duh) and in utter shock (and with the intent to prove his innocence), he goes on the run. Tom Cruise loves to run. Anyways, the film explores the implications of what a ‘pre-cog’ program would have on society and ethics. Can someone really be guilty of a crime they haven’t (yet) committed? If such a program existed, would you be able to manipulate the results?

The film was directed by Steven Spielberg and includes an excellent musical score by John Williams and cinematography by Janusz Kaminski (“Schindler’s List”, “Saving Private Ryan”).

7. Back to the Future (1985)

“1.21 gigawatts?!!” – Dr. Emmett Brown (Christopher Lloyd)

One of the most fun time travel movies out there. Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) and scientist pal, Dr. Brown (Christopher Lloyd) (not sure how they ever met), take on an adventure when Marty McFly (from 1985) time travels to 1955. Once there, he must recruit Dr. Emmett Brown (who has yet to invent time travel) to get him back to 1985 and also prevent some other ‘events’ from occurring – the fate of Marty’s parents (and his own existence) and Dr. Brown’s at the hands of terrorists.  

This movie is a staple of cinema not only because of the cool premise but also of the chemistry between Fox and Lloyd. The film can put anyone in a good mood (even if it doesn’t make logical sense). You can also add to the fact that almost everything about the film is iconic – the Delorean car, Marty’s ‘life preserver’, and the action set pieces – the lightning hitting the clock tower, Marty versus Biff and his goons, etc.

Fun Fact: Eric Stoltz was initially cast in the Marty McFly role and after a month into production was replaced with Michael J. Fox. This was supposedly due to the lack of on screen chemistry that was had between Lloyd and Stoltz.

6. Children of Men (2006)

The year is 2027 where two decades of human infertility has led to a chaotic world. The story follows a man, Theo (Clive Owen), who reluctantly helps a refugee to safety after he witnesses that she is actually pregnant. The film remains dynamic not just because of its premise but also the examinations of the fallout due to such a crisis. Political and social upheaval surrounds a group that is trying to help bring a child into the world. Themes of hope and faith are also explored.

The film features an excellent cast: Clive Owen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Julianne Moore, Michael Caine, Charlie Hunnam and Danny Huston. The film was directed by Alfonso Cuaron (“Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, “A Little Princess” and “Gravity”). The story is based upon the book, “The Children of Men” by P.D. James.

5. The Matrix (1999)

“You think that’s air you’re breathing? Hmm…” – Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne)

No surprise to see this on here. This movie was a game changer and not just because of the revolutionary special effects but the philosophical notions embedded in the story. Would you want to live a lie (in the Matrix) or live in a post-apocalyptic world where a fight wages to destroy the machines’ hold on our consciousness? Also, is the very idea of ‘the Matrix’ plausible? This idea invokes emotions that liken to that of ‘Allegory of the Cave’ by Plato.

Even outside of this, we also get exceptional martial arts sequences that look like a plausible high flying/kicking kung fu movie from the 1970s. Oh and let us not forget about ‘bullet time’ and the advent of 360 degrees camera capturing technology. It is obvious many films copied this technique – “Swordfish”, “The One”, etc.

The film stars Keanu Reeves (who has a knack for picking excellent movies to be in), Laurence Fishburne, Carrie Anne Moss, and Hugo Weaving (always welcome in any movie).

4. Inception (2010)

You cannot simply sum up this film. It’s filled with ideas that range from how we conceptualize our dreams and reality to what we’d be faced with should we have the option to ‘share dreamspaces’. Christopher Nolan initially pitched a script to Warner Brothers Studios around 2002, and he would later be able to complete his film about dream stealers after he proved himself with movies like “The Prestige” and “The Dark Knight”. This remains a highly controversial film as to the many interpretations – which most revolved around which scene took place in reality and which was simply a dream. It seemed as though every viewer had a different interpretation of the story and this ignites discussion.

The special effects were top notch as were the performances from a stellar cast that includes: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Ellen Page, Michael Caine, Joseph Gordon Levitt and Cillian Murphy. This is close to a masterpiece.

3. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1969)

Can you imagine seeing this in the year it came out? I would be floored and not just with the visuals towards the end of the film. This Stanley Kubrick directed masterpiece is based upon the short story “The Sentinel” by Arthur C. Clarke. It follows a space crew, along with a sentient computer, Hal, on a voyage to Jupiter after they discover a black monolith affecting human evolution. The film is pivotal for examining many large ideas like existentialism, artificial intelligence, human evolution and extra-terrestrial life. The narrative heavily relies upon visuals and there is not much need for dialogue. You add in the moving classical music with pioneering, revolutionary visual effects, and you have a film that is at the top of any sci-fi movie lovers list.

You can’t call yourself a sci-fi aficionado and not see this film.
2. Blade Runner (1982)

This is a truly transcendent film and one of the first in cinema history to tackle themes such as existentialism and what it means to be ‘human’. The story follows a special police operative, Rick Deckard, who agrees to one last mission to hunt down a replicant, an android based clone of a human. These replicants are made to work on dangerous assignments off world but some of them return to Earth to extend their lives (as their life span is only a few years). The problem is that replicants are banned from Earth. As Deckard investigates, he encounters a replicant (Rachael) who believes she is human (thanks to the Tyrell Corporation that manufactured her). Rachael is given false memories to provide an emotional layer to her programming. This programming helps blur the line between human and replicant, thereby making Deckard’s job more difficult. The rogue replicants that Deckard are hunting wish to ask their creator, Tyrell, to extend their lives and are willing to do ‘questionable’ things in order to do so.

The film is also based on a Philip K. Dick book, “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” and was directed by the master, Ridley Scott. One of the best sci-fi movies ever and you’d be hard pressed to find someone that disagrees with me.

1. Gattaca (1997)

The setting is ‘the not too distant future’ where humans are genetically altered to possess the best hereditary traits of their parents (can be viewed as a form of eugenics). The film brings about the potential problems of such a technology existing, which includes genetic discrimination. There are those labeled ‘valids’ and ‘in-valids’. We follow Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke), who was conceived naturally. Freeman tries everything to pass as a ‘valid’ so that he may accomplish his dream of becoming an astronaut. Along the way, he meets a tragic swimmer, Jerome Morrow (Jude Law), who was meant to be the best swimmer in the world but only received 2nd place and, as a result, placed himself in front of a car – leaving himself paralyzed.  

Highly possible and thought provoking, this film examines how our genes could be the only factor in determining our life long dreams. Moreover, this touches upon how hard work and determination juxtaposes that with simply having the ‘tools’ in order to succeed. Just like the tagline for the film, ‘there is no gene for the human spirit’.

Well, there you have it. This is the ‘quintessential’ sci-fi movie list. A lot of factors went into these decisions but I did leave out a couple that I didn’t quite feel like ‘made the cut’.

Honorable Mentions:

“The Thirteenth Floor” (1999) – Thought provoking for sure but everything else about the film could have been better. This examines the concept of virtual reality.

“Solaris” (2002) – Beautiful sci/fi love story set in space and based upon the Russian original under the same title. Human emotion is explored via sci-fi elements. The concept of love is used as a means to help us better understand who we are.

“Ex-Machina” (2015) – A programmer is invited to the estate of his company’s CEO to run Turing tests on his latest creation – Ava.

“The Thing” (1982) – At a research facility in the Antarctic is turned upside down when a crew come into contact with an extraterrestrial life form that imitates other organisms. Paranoia sets in as many do not know who is or is not infected.

“Interstellar” (2014) – In the near future, the ability to harvest crops at a global level continue to wane. A secret NASA facility is set up to send astronauts via a wormhole to potentially hospital planets. The other ‘rub’ is that these are likely one way trips. Controversial and intriguing. This doesn’t get on the list due to its weak ‘family’ and ‘love’ sub plots that undermine the plausibility of the story. The film would be way more gratifying if they fixed these problems. 

2016 Oscars Predictions

That time of year is upon us! The Oscars are almost here! I’m sure you’re wondering who’s going to go home with the gold! I present to thee our picks!

Best Picture

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The Big Short – Runner Up. With an original script and an important message, this film continues to gain steam as the race comes to a close. (Review here)

Bridge of Spies – Director Spielberg gets nominated for a solid film but it isn’t really a game changer.

Brooklyn – Fellow writer, Ben Bartek, enjoyed this film but the competition looks too staggering for the film to pull an upset. Currently at 50 to 1 Vegas odds. The least favored film. (Review here)

Mad Max: Fury Road – The fact that this was even nominated is a feat in itself. The academy wouldn’t normally nominate an action film so don’t think for a second that this has a chance. (Review here)

The Martian – If it wasn’t for The Revenant, I would saddle this horse in hopes that it takes the cake this year. Don’t expect it to win much (I know, it’s sad).   (Review here)

The Revenant – Winner. You’ve seen the movie, right? It’s a daring revenge/drama thriller that has everyone in top form — actors DiCaprio and Hardy to cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki and director Alejandro González Iñárritu. (Review here)

Room – All previous awards ceremonies seem to favor more of Brie Larson’s performance in the film. The film itself has yet to win for Best Picture of anything. Currently at 40 to 1 Vegas odds.

Spotlight – This is an average film with a controversial subject matter. The film already received recognition, but mostly for its screenplay. Vegas odds are favoring this film but I’m still siding with The Revenant as it won a Golden Globe and BAFTA for Best Film. (Review here)

Actor in a Leading Role

Bryan Cranston, Trumbo – Cranston seems to be creeping up in acting categories in a variety of awards shows (namely Golden Globes for Breaking Bad) the last few years. Sadly, not only does Vegas have him at the worst odds in this category (25 to 1), but there hasn’t been much buzz surrounding Trumbo, which sits at a 73% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Matt Damon, The Martian – What a year to pick to have an extraordinary performance. Damon fires on all cylinders in this neatly crafted space drama.

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Leonardo DiCaprio, The Revenant – Winner. This is DiCaprio’s year. After being nominated multiple times in years past, this one should catapult him into legendary status. Not only that but DiCaprio already won Best Actor at the BAFTAs and the Golden Globes. He’s also heavily favored at 1 to 5 odds.

Michael Fassbender, Steve Jobs Runner Up. Although many skipped this Steve Jobs biopic (due to overexposure/over praise), you can’t deny Fassbender’s brilliant performance. This is the only true competition for DiCaprio. Also, if you want to see the best acting ensemble (with an impeccable script), look no further than Steve Jobs.

Eddie Redmayne, The Danish Girl – Although Redmayne deserved an Oscar for his portrayal as Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything last year, don’t expect him to win again.

Actress in a Leading Role

Cate Blanchett, Carol – Most of the adoration of this film is being garnered by Blanchett’s co-star, Rooney Mara. Expect her to have a better chance, at least in the Best Supporting Actress category.

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Brie Larson, RoomWinner. Consider this a shoe in. Brie has already won a BAFTA, SAG, and Golden Globe for her stirring performance in the acclaimed film.

Jennifer Lawrence, Joy – Yes, Lawrence also won for Best Actress in a Leading Role in a Comedy at the Golden Globes. The tide is with Larson and the dramatic genre in with Room is more based.

Charlotte Rampling, 45 Years – There hasn’t been enough exposure to this film, especially to the public at large. With 25 to 1 Vegas odds, don’t count on her stepping onto the stage.

Saoirse Ronan, Brooklyn – Runner Up. Ronan could theoretically steal this from Larson but there is simply too much momentum on Larson’s side.

Actor in a Supporting Role

Christian Bale, The Big Short – Bale is one of the best actors out there. It’s just that his performance in his latest doesn’t stand out amongst the rest. His role wasn’t necessarily ‘meaty’ and he, instead, thrived in a more nuanced role.

Tom Hardy, The Revenant – Runner Up. Hardy delivers again. This time he plays a cruel, coward of a man (John Fitzgerald) in opposition to DiCaprio’s Hugh Glass. As much as I’d like to see Hardy win, this is Stallone’s year.

Mark Ruffalo, Spotlight – Ruffalo was one of the only actors that seemed to really relish his role in the overrated Spotlight movie. I don’t expect him to walk on stage and neither do Vegas odds (10 to 1).

Mark Rylance, Bridge of Spies – Watch out for the relative unknown. Rylance has the second best Vegas odds (7 to 5).

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Sylvester Stallone, Creed Winner. This is Stallone’s year to recapture some old Hollywood magic. Things should come full circle as Stallone was nominated for his performance of Rocky Balboa in 1977 and this time he should take home the crown. He also won Best Supporting Actor at the Golden Globes. He’s favored at (4 to 5).

Actress in a Supporting Role

Jennifer Jason Leigh, The Hateful Eight – A solid performance but not nearly enough to compete here.

Rooney Mara, Carol – Although Mara is the most favored (Vegas odds: 1 to 2), I do not believe she’ll be thanking the Academy on stage. Her competition comes from Vikander and Winslet directly.

Rachel McAdams, Spotlight – McAdams performance was more run of the mill in Spotlight. You won’t see her on stage.

Alicia Vikander, The Danish Girl – Runner Up. Vikander has been having quite a year. For her role in The Danish Girl, she has already garnered a Screen Actor’s Guild award, a Critics Choice award and Chicago Film Critics award. Vikander is the most favored but watch out for Winslet who is on the up and up.


Kate Winslet, Steve Jobs – Winner. This one is close. Winsley also won awards but at the Golden Globes and the BAFTAs. I believe she has the momentum to take this. Again, toss up between Vikander and Winslet.


Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu , The Revenant – Winner. – Masterful directing here. I have never seen a movie quite like The Revenant. I want to make love to that movie for how vividly it was shot and how engaging the scenes were. This should be a no brainer to win and not just because I am being subjective (Vegas odds: 1 to 2).
Tom McCarthy, Spotlight – In my opinion, this director shouldn’t even be nominated. However, the film won a Satellite Award for Best Picture ,which isn’t saying much. Count on this film to have a better time in the Best Screenplay category.
Adam McKay, The Big Short – Runner Up. This film should have more mass appeal. It shines a light on a real issue that continues to affect us all. Not just that, it manages to use humor in order to better explain just how outrageous the financial crisis of 2008 (due to the sub prime housing market) really was.

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George Miller, Mad Max: Fury Road – This was a high achievement for the 70 year old director. Look for this film to compete more in the technical categories (Sound, Editing, Special Effects).
Lenny Abrahamson, Room – There is some fight for this film but with The Big Short and The Revenant, there’d have to be a miracle (Vegas odds: 20 to 1).

Animated Feature Film

AnomalisaRunner Up. That weird looking, animated film (directed by Charlie Kaufman) about an inspirational speaker finding love and shaking him out of his boring existence.

Boy and the World – A boy yearns to see his father again and takes a trip to a magical land. A Brazilian animated film.

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Inside Out – Winner. The favorite of this years Oscars. The film depicts a Midwestern girl’s move to California and how her emotions guide her through the difficult journey. Rotten Tomatoes: 98%

Shaun the Sheep Movie – A sheep devises a way to get off a farm but the plan backfires and they must rescue their farmer/owner who has lost his memory.

When Marnie Was There – In this Japanese film, a tomboy meets a blonde girl only she can see.

Documentary (Feature)

Amy – Winner. This seems to be the most favored this year. The documentary depicts the life/death of Amy Winehouse.

Cartel Land – This is a film examining the drug problems along the US/Mexico border.

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The Look of Silence – Runner Up. A man confronts the men who killed his brother during the Indonesian genocide. 

What Happened, Miss Simone? – A documentary about classically trained pianist, Nina Simone, and her brutal life.

Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom – A documentary about Ukraine’s unrest in 2013/2014 which called for the country’s integration with Europe which lead to a violent revolution calling for the resignation of its president.

Documentary (Short Subject) – predictions by  Benjamin Bartek

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Body Team 12 – Winner. Follows the perilous job of a Liberian woman who’s helping to eradicate the ebola virus. Real life heroes.

Chau, Beyond the Lines – Runner Up.A Vietnamese child dreams of being an artist and clothing designer. But being born with defects from Agent Orange has put obstacles in the path to living a fulfilling independent life.

Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah – Filmmaker Claude Lanzmann talks about his life, including his Shoah documentary from 30 years ago.

A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness – An 18 year old Pakistani woman tells the story of surviving the wrath of her father and uncle in a society that includes honor killings.

Last Day of Freedom – A man tries to get his Vietnam veteran brother the help he needs when he suffers from PTSD, but has also committed a crime that could land him the death penalty.

Film Editing

*Editing can be a tricky one to judge as it is hard to gauge whether the film was edited due to the director calling the shots or the editor himself running with his creativity to better tell a story.

The Big Short – The editing in this film is commendable but didn’t really stick out with the film’s narrative.

Mad Max: Fury Road – Runner Up. For a film that took years to get made, you can’t knock the sheer amount of special effects in this (2000+).

The Revenant – Winner. The masterful editing here should take home the gold. This is close along with Mad Max.

Spotlight – Nothing puts this film above the others in this category.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Expect this film to really compete in the ‘Visual Effects’ category.

Best Cinematography

Carol – Although a gorgeous looking film, the competition is stiff.

The Hateful Eight – Expect this film to only win for Best Musical Score.

Mad Max: Fury Road. Runner Up.


The Revenant. Winner – Emmanuel Lubezki will certainly take the statue home here. The cinematography really added another dimension to the harsh, though beautiful locations in the film.

Sicario – Expect this to get 3rd place.  Roger Deakins will then be 0-13 in this category.

Foreign Language Film – predictions by Benjamin Bartek

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Embrace of the Serpent –  Winner. Westerners encounter an indigenous tribe in the Amazon and it can’t help but change everybody. Awards voters are suckers for the most remote subjects and ostensibly profound messages. This movie has also gotten more exposure in the U.S. lately.

Mustang – Runner Up. Five orphaned Turkish sisters are having innocent fun outside with some boys when some meddlers claim their was sexual impropriety involved. This documents their struggle to break free from essentially being imprisoned, while growing closer to each other. A harrowing human experience.

Son of Saul – The story of a Hungarian Jewish man who must help dispose of the bodies of people killed in concentration camps during World War II.

Theeb – Orphaned brothers help lead a British officer through the desert during World War I.

A WarA  story about the stresses of war for Danish soldiers in Afghanistan.

Makeup & Hairstyling

Mad Max: Fury Road – Runner Up . I only chalk this up in 2nd place because The Revenant is a better film.

The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared – Never heard of the Swedish comedy? Neither have I. Expect a miracle for that film to get an award.

The Revenant – Winner. This will be close with Mad Max.

Best Costume Design


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Cinderella – Winner. Think about the previous winners. They all had dresses on —  Anna Karenina, Elizabeth: The Golden Years, and Marie Antoinette.
The Danish Girl
Mad Max: Fury Road – Runner Up
The Revenant 

Music (Original Score)

*I’ve also been a nerd when it comes to film music. I am aware of each of the composers’ filmography.

Bridge of Spies, Thomas Newman – This film composer’s most famous work is likely American Beauty. Newman has a good chance

Carol, Carter Burwell – Burwell also did the score for another film in the Oscar race — Anomalisa. He seems to work his music into more specialty films. He actually won a Satellite award for his work in Carol but this should be Morricone’s year.

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The Hateful Eight, Ennio Morricone – Winner. The legendary composer who also did The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, The Mission, and the Untouchables has an excellent shot to take home the golden statue. He also already won a Golden Globe award , a Critic’s Choice award, and a BAFTA award for his movie score to Tarantino’s latest film. This should be a no brainer.

Sicario, Johan Johannson – Johannson actually won an Oscar for his work in The Theory of Everything last year. Unfortunately, the competition this year is staggering.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, John Williams – Runner Up. Williams is likely the first film composer most people recognize but don’t expect him to win.

Music (Original Song)
“Earned It,” Fifty Shades of Grey
“Manta Ray,” Racing Extinction
“Simple Song #3,” Youth
“Til It Happens To You,” The Hunting Ground . Runner Up. Be careful, this could go either way with the Spectre song.
“Writing’s On The Wall,” Spectre Winner. This song already won a Golden Globe. Expect Sam Smith to give a speech.

Production Design (aka Art Direction)

Bridge of Spies – Runner Up.

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The Danish Girl – Too much competition.

Mad Max: Fury Road Winner. The rich, apocalyptic landscape that was utilized and further built upon should make this the easy front runner.

The Martian – Easily one of the best films of the year. Sure, it has a deep production design but more heavily relied upon nature and special effects.

The Revenant – This is actually another selling point to the film but the rich, natural landscape was more heavily relied upon.

Short Film (Animated) — predictions by Benjamin Bartek

Bear Story – Runner Up. A bear creates a living diorama about a bear who wants to escape the circus and return to his family.

Prologue – A little girl watches a couple Spartans battle a couple Athenians. Done by Richard Williams, of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


Sanjay’s Super Team Winner. A child learns to love the Hindu gods of his father when he imagines a wild, colorful, epic battle with those gods. His father also learns to embrace his sons’s love of cartoon heroes. Very entertaining and vibrant. Highly recommended.

We Can’t Live without Cosmos – About 2 best friends doing everything it takes to become astronauts.

World of Tomorrow – A virtual tour of the future’s unfortunate secrets.

Short Film (Live Action) – predictions by Benjamin Bartek

Ave Maria – Five nuns who took a vow of silence mime their way through helping a family of Israeli settlers with a broken down car. Too cute by half.

Day One – Runner Up.  Day one of an Afghan-American woman’s first job as an interpreter for the US military in Afghanistan, she must help the wife of a bomb maker deliver her baby. Full of tension and unspoken depth. It humanizes what’s happening half a world away.

Everything Will Be Okay (Alles Wird Gut) A German language film about a divorced dad who tries to turn his weekend visits with his daughter into full custody. He just didn’t inform anybody before acting. Too much gravity, yelling, and fighting for me.

Shok – Childhood best friends during the war in Kosovo make different life choices that end up threatening everything they cherished.

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Stutterer Winner. A man who stutters finds love online. But then he has to reveal his speech impediment when they actually meet.

Sound Editing (think creative enhancements to sounds or new sounds meant to amplify effect)

Mad Max: Fury Road – Winner. With all the production that went into this film and the years that went into it, don’t be surprised if this takes the cake.

The Martian – Another time that the film will be shut out of a category.

The Revenant – Runner Up. The action and set pieces are wholly amplified by the use of sound. It’s a particular factor that often goes overlooked.

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Sicario – In my opinion, the use of sound editing in the film was too heavy handed. Placing too much emphasis on what you hear rather than what you see. In other words, it over-complimented the film.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Mark this one down for 3rd place.

Sound Mixing (think on-set sounds that are recorded)

Bridge of Spies – Too much competition.

Mad Max: Fury Road. Winner. Like I previously said, expect this film to garner a lot of technical awards.

The Martian  – Too much competition.

The Revenant – Runner Up/Should Win.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens – The film has a better chance in the editing category.

Visual Effects

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Ex Machina – A sure stand out in cinema in 2015. At least it was nominated in an Oscar category (well, this and Best Original Screenplay) . No chance to win though.

Mad Max: Fury Road – Winner. Expect this to own this category with its reliance on more practical effects.

The Martian – I kind of feel bad for this film. It’s going to get shut out of a lot of categories.

The Revenant – Another factor in considering the film for best film of the year. However, I don’t see it overshadowing Mad Max.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Runner Up. If anyone was going to be pulling out punches in this category then expect a Star Wars film to do it.

Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

The Big Short – Winner.  Adam McKay already won a BAFTA, Critic’s Choice and Writer’s Guild of America awards for Best Adapted Screenplay. He should be win this.

Brooklyn – The film hasn’t won any other awards for its screenplay. A very long shot.

Carol – The film has only won one other award for its screenplay — The New York’s Critic Circle Award for Best Screenplay. Too much competition here.

The Martian – Runner Up. Will The Martian be winless?

Room – This is running alongside Brooklyn with its chances. No awards have been given for its screenplay.

Writing (Original Screenplay)

Bridge of Spies – Unlikely to win.

Ex Machina – One of my personal favorite picks of the year. Sadly, it will not win.

Inside Out – Watch out for this one. It could steal the show.

Spotlight Winner. The momentum currently surrounding this movie should at least let them go home with one win.

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Straight Outta Compton – Runner Up. This could be closer than we think. With many advocating for this film to be nominated in other categories, perhaps this might just win.

The Revenant is a Meditation in Primal Savagery

You know when you go into a theater with a certain expectation only to be let down afterwards? Well, The Revenant exceeded my wildest expectations. This is filmmaking at a whole other level. Never has a film used so many elements effectively in order to tell a gruesome, yet satisfying revenge thriller.

The story immediately begins on a tumultuous fur trading expedition in the 1820s. Things go from bad to worse as Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) is mauled by a giant bear. As the group weighs what to do next, Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy) decides that carrying around a body in the bitter winter would put them all at risk. So, he decides to leave Glass for dead, while also killing his son, Hawk (as Glass watches helplessly). This sets up a quest not only for revenge but survival as Glass is fighting the harsh landscape while also trying to elude Pawnee and Sioux Indians.

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Best Beer Pairing with The Revenant? Try Moose Drool Brown Ale by Big Sky Brewing (in Montana). As you immerse yourself in the movie’s wintry setting, there’s really nothing else like it.

If Leonardo DiCaprio doesn’t get an Oscar for his intense performance, I’ll likely stop watching the pretentious awards show altogether (that’s an empty threat). He has been nominated so many times and has yet to win. This should put him over the top. Then there’s Tom Hardy, who plays the cowardly Fitzgerald. Hardy’s voice is almost unintelligible in this, like most of his other films (see: The Dark Knight Rises, Mad Max: Fury Road) but provides a great villain with his ‘weaseling’ ways. The other notable actor in this is Domhnall Gleeson, who has been everywhere lately (see: Ex Machina, Star Wars: The Force Awakens) and doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

The script is written by Mark L. Smith and Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu based upon the 2002 novel by Michael Punke (titled The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge). Side note: you should check out Punke’s career thus far – pretty impressive.  So, just as the previews you saw, the film is based on a true story which only adds to its allure.  Strangely, there wasn’t that much dialogue but rather action. When dialogue occurs, it progresses the story. To put another way, there aren’t any unnecessary scenes.

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Much credit must be given to the director, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, as his filmography is shaping up to be among the most diverse. Previously, he directed Birdman, Babel, 21 Grams, and Amores Perros. If you don’t remember last year’s Oscars, Birdman won for Best Picture along with Best Director. I wouldn’t be that surprised if he wins again for 2015. I read an article last year when Inarritu was in the middle of filming The Revenant and mentioned that he always likes to experiment with his movies. That notion seems to really be paying off. I haven’t been as engrossed in a film in a long time.

The settings of the film (Montana, Canada and Argentina) are among the most beautiful, barren landscapes ever caught on film. The settings are a character unto themselves. I know I’ve said this about other films but this should be doubly true when considering this. From the majestic mountains and unpredictable rivers to the wild animals that pervade the land, The Revenant is almost paying homage to a National Geographic film.

I almost forgot. The score of this film is intense. It was done by Ryuichi Sakamoto, who you probably aren’t familiar with. Sakamoto actually won an Oscar for Best Musical Score for The Last Emperor (1987), with his last work in Western cinema dating back to the film Snake Eyes (pre-“Not the Bees!” Nicolas Cage film) in 1998. The music perfectly lends itself the film and the physical and emotional struggle that Glass must endure.

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There’s a lot of great symbology in the film as well. For instance, after the bear mauling, Glass ends up wearing the bear’s skin to continue to survive. This can be signifying how he has died and come back to life, reincarnated. After all, the film’s title is The Revenant where ‘revenant’ means ‘one that returns after death or a long absence’ (thanks Merriam Webster).

This brings me to the, ‘should I see it?’ segment of my review. A resounding YES is my answer (if you just skipped to this section!). Now, is it a date night movie? No. Is it geared more to men? Maybe. Will women hate this film? No, in fact there was a group of women that were literally on the edge of their seats throughout much of the film.

Be wary of the amount of violence (duh) in this. According to IMdB, the film has been “rated R for strong frontier combat and violence including gory images, a sexual assault, language and brief nudity”. I love me some strong frontier combat!

I want to see the movie again even though the run time is 2 hours and 36 minutes. The upside is that I will be able to conveniently take bathroom breaks!

Grade: A+

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Trilogy is being Rebooted….Sort of?!

It’s been four years since David Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo hit the screens. After the mediocre box office success, there were talks about whether to continue on with the other two books in the “Millennium” trilogy – The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest (based off the novels by Swedish author Stieg Larsson). As of yesterday (according to The Hollywood Reporter), those talks have ended and resulted with Sony to focus on the fourth book in the series (by David Lagercrantz) titled The Girl in the Spider’s Web. To those not in the know, Stieg Larsson passed in 2004 and in his estate asked Swedish journalist and fellow author, David Lagercrantz, to write the stand alone sequel, Spider’s Web.

This news of this quasi-reboot will not have David Fincher returning to direct. Even the stars of the US adaptation of ‘Tattoo’ will not be returning — Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara. The Wrap is reporting, however, that Sony is looking to rising star, Alicia Vikander (Ex Machina, The Danish Girl) to take over the main role of goth computer hacker Lisbeth Salander.


Time will tell with how this upcoming project pans out. Personally, I really adore Vikander as an actress and think she’d fit right into the role. I wonder how the next director will meet the tone of the books, the US adaptation and the Swedish film trilogy that had Noomi Rapace in the starring role.


The story of the fourth book is described as follows:

“Late one night, Blomkvist receives a phone call from a source claiming to have information vital to the United States. The source has been in contact with a young female superhacker—a hacker resembling someone Blomkvist knows all too well. The implications are staggering. Blomkvist, in desperate need of a scoop for Millennium, turns to Salander for help. She, as usual, has her own agenda. The secret they are both chasing is at the center of a tangled web of spies, cybercriminals, and governments around the world, and someone is prepared to kill to protect it…” (Coming Soon).

Upcoming DvD Movie Releases for October 2015 (plus expert analysis)

October 2nd


The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron – The box office smash sequel pits the Avengers against a one-dimensional villain. This has moments of awesome but mostly settles as a bloated super hero movie. Full review here.

October 6th


Magic Mike XXL – Channing Tatum and pals bare it all…again. McConaughey decided to focus on better movies and does not appear in this oversized sequel. Elizabeth Banks, Matt Bomer, Joe Manganiello, and Jada Pinkett Smith co-star.


Me and Earl and the Dying Girl – This is a movie about two aspiring, young filmmaker friends that end up making a film for a girl that has leukemia. They learn more about their friendship and the fragility of life. The cast includes Hugh “Wolverine” Jackman, Olivia Cooke, Nick Offerman (Parks & Recreation), Molly Shannon (SNL alum) and Jon Bernthal (The Walking Dead, upcoming 2nd season of Daredevil).


Manglehorn – A dramedy about a locksmith (Al Pacino) that has trouble living in the present. Can we just get a The Devil’s Advocate sequel already?! Pacino seems to be wasting time on these cutesy movies that have a limited audience. Anyways, the movie focuses on how this locksmith mopes through life in a small Texas town and lives in his tragic, lovelorn past when he desperately needs to change his present. The movie is directed by David Gordon Green (Pineapple Express, Your Highness) and co-stars Holly Hunter.

Insidious: Chapter 3 – In this prequel, a girl tries to contact her late mother so she recruits a reluctant psychic with grave results. For some reason Dermot Mulroney is in this. Why? Rotten Tomatoes: 53%.

Road Hard – This comedy follows a character named Bruce Madsen, a successful actor/comedian, who decides to change things up and go back to his roots and perform in the comedy club circuit. Things don’t turn out as expected which forces Bruce (played by Adam Carolla) to reevaluate his career. This sounds like an auto-biographical snooze fest! Anyways, the movie co-stars David Koechner (Anchorman, Waiting).

Batkid Begins – This follows a five year-old boy, suffering from leukemia that gets a chance to be Batman for a day via the Make a Wish foundation.


10,000 Saints – A group of smugglers learn the hard price of growing up and the value of family in the backdrop of 1980s New York City. The cast includes Ethan Hawke (Boyhood, Gattaca) , Asa Butterfield (Ender’s Game, Hugo) , Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit), Emile Hirsch (The Girl Next Door), and Emily Mortimer. There may be a reason this was released direct to video.


Dark Places – From the author of Gone Girl (Gillian Flynn) comes a story about a woman (Libby) trying to run away from her tragic past and her brother, who she blames for murdering the rest of her family. She is then contacted by a group that specializes in unsolved cases. Libby (played by Charlize Theron) must decide if she wants to accept the past or truly find the killer responsible. This movie came and went in theaters. The movie co-stars Chloe Grace Moretz (Kick-Ass), Nicholas Hoult (Mad Max: Fury Road), and Christina Hendricks (Mad Men). It holds a 39% on Rotten Tomatoes. Proceed with caution!


Escobar: Paradise Lost – Nick and his brother move from Canada to Colombia during the 1980s to set up a surf shop. There, Nick falls for Maria, who happens to be the niece of Pablo Escobar. Things get worse from there as Nick is recruited to stash away Escobar’s assets before he serves a jail sentence. I’m slightly interested in this but I have to say that Narcos on Netflix deals primarily with Escobar’s rise/fall and that seems a lot more interesting. This film features Benicio Del Toro (Traffic, upcoming Sicario) as Escobar and co-stars Josh Hutcherson (The Hunger Games).


Final Girl – Veronica is new in town and becomes a target for a group of boys who hunt and kill women in the woods for sport. The tables are turned when Veronica is actually a trained assassin. Abigail Breslin (Ender’s Game, Maggie) stars alongside Wes Bentley (that creepy video recorder dude from American Beauty, bearded weirdo in The Hunger Games).


Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief – This is a riveting documentary that chronicles the rise of the Church of Scientology and the followers and defectors that provide insight into the often shocking inner workings of the fastest growing church. Archival footage and interviews with current and former members (that include many Hollywood stars – Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Paul Haggis, etc.) make this a documentary worth catching. My full review is here.


People Places Things – Flight of the Concords alum, Jermaine Clement, stars in this comedy about a happily married professor with two kids that deals with the affair between his friend and his wife. He finds out that the single life with kids isn’t what he was expecting. I happen to enjoy Clement’s sense of humor and may give this a go.


Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! – Talk about beating a dead horse. That wasn’t a request. Ian Ziering (Beverly Hills 90210) and Tara Reid (American Pie) try to hold onto their careers in the popular, purposefully bad SyFy original movie. The outlandish, most once famous cast includes: Frankie Muniz, Bo Derek, David Hassehoff and Mark Cuban (as the President). You know what’s better than a purposefully bad movie? An unintentionally bad movie. See: The Room, Birdemic: Shock and Terror.


What We Did On Our Holiday – As Gordy nears his 75th Birthday, his son and his family decide to visit him in Scotland. Things go awry when his son’s kids are brutally honest and are unable to keep any secrets, which makes an already awkward family trip more awkward. The film stars David Tennant (Doctor Who), Billy Connolly, and Rosamund Pike (Gone Girl).

October 13th


San Andreas – Hey, what’s shakin’?! Well, the Rock of course! This is an epic destruction movie for people that enjoy flashy special effects and a sub-par story or…..they just go for the Rock. I don’t blame them. Believe it or not, the movie co-stars Carla Gugino (Watchmen) and Paul Giamatti (Sideways).


Tommorowland – This film probably had the most promise this summer but was an utter disappointment. The marketing was interesting and the director, Brad Bird, has had nothing but success with his earlier films: The Incredibles, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, Iron Giant. Check out a full review here.


The Gallows – A group of high school students try to put on a play that failed twenty years earlier and resulted in the death of a student, Charlie. The event is meant to be cathartic for the town on the anniversary of Charlie’s death, but a group of students sabotage the production to help the lead actor avoid stage fright. The group’s actions have grave consequences as Charlie’s story isn’t finished. This story is actually more elaborate than more horror films but still sounds boring.


Dope – We follow a high school student named Butler (Blake Anderson) who tries to stay on the straight and narrow amongst a town (Inglewood, CA) that would rather get by on dealing drugs and making easy money. Butler has aspirations of going to Harvard and leaving the city behind but is tested one night at a party. Lenny Kravitz’s daughter, Zoe Kravitz, costars.

October 20th


Jurassic World – Doctor John Hammond’s future dinosaur world is realized twenty two years later in Jurassic World. Just as any company would do if public interest were waning, they need to innovate new ways to attract people across the world. Of course, if your company happens to be a giant dinosaur zoo, innovation can spell doom in the form of a genetically modified dinosaur, the Indominus Rex. The movie is a lot of fun if you don’t think too much about the story. Check out my full review here. The movie stars Chris Pratt (Parks and Recreation, Guardians of the Galaxy), Bryce Dallas Howard (The Village), and Jake Johnson (New Girl, Let’s Be Cops).


Paper Towns – A high school student, Quentin, has always pined for Margo his entire life and when she breaks into his house asking for his help in a revenge plot, he agrees. After their adventure, Margo has disappeared from their school but not without leaving clues for Quentin to follow that will end up changing how he really feels for her. This is based off the book of the same name by author John Green (who also wrote The Fault in Our Stars). The film stars up and comer, Cara Delevingne (upcoming Suicide Squad) and Nat Wolff. You’d have to drag me to see a movie like this. Quirky, romantic movies irritate me because they are highly unrealistic yet pretend they aren’t.


Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ – I don’t usually cover Japanese anime movies but I guess I’m always a little fond of the Dragon Ball Z tv show (when it aired on Cartoon Network back in the day). This details how big baddie, Frieza, is back after falling to Goku’s Super Saiyan years ago. Frieza is hell bent on revenge, even without an actual body. It’s up to Goku and Vegeta to work together. I’d probably save this for hung over Sunday mornings (before football of course).


The Vatican Tapes – Two Vatican priests are out to exorcise a woman believed to be possessed by the Anti-Christ. They must work to save her soul and for humanity…blah..blah…This uninspired movie stars Dougray Scott (MI: 2), Djimon Hounsou (Amistad) , and Michael Pena (Ant-Man). Rotten Tomatoes score: 13%.


Testament of Youth – Alicia Vikander (Ex-Machina) and Kit Harrington (Game of Thrones) star in this World War I drama. Vera Brittain (Vikander) postpones her studies to become a nurse as her loved ones, including Harrington head to war. Brittain later becomes a writer, feminist, and pacifist. The film doesn’t sound that interesting but is getting decent reviews. Rotten Tomatoes: 81%.


Z for Zachariah – This tale centers on a lone female survivor (Margot Robbie) of the apocalypse and the last two known men alive (Chiwetel Ejiofor and Chris Pine) who try to court for her affections. The three must find a way to work together in order to survive. So, it seems that this is about how two dudes wanna do it with Robbie. I don’t blame them. What if the movie casted Amy Schumer instead of Margot Robbie? I believe both men would rather roam the Earth looking for another lady.


I Spit on Your Grave 3: Vengeance is Mine – Jennifer is a girl that is just trying to overcome the torture she’s experienced and live a normal life. When one of Jennifer’s friends is murdered and those responsible escapes, she turns on revenge mode while the rest of the city erupts with rapists and serial killers. Pass!


The Wolfpack – This is a documentary that follows six brothers that live the majority of their lives in a New York apartment. They rely on movies in order to understand the real world. They all reenact scenes of their favorite movies. As the brothers get older, they desire interactions with the real world and everything begins to change when one of them runs away. Sounds like this may be worth checking out.

October 27th


Pixels – Adam Sandler is trying to fart on the box office again with this sad attempt at appealing to the thirty something group that relishes arcade games. The story involves how aliens receive golden age transmissions of video games being played, interpret the message as the real thing and declare war on Earth in the form of well-known classic games that include Donkey Kong and Pac Man. The President enlists his childhood friend, Sandler, to beat the aliens at their own game. He also enlists a rag tag group that includes Peter Dinklage, Josh Gad, and Kevin James. The film is directed by Chris Columbus (the 1st two Harry Potter movies).

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Southpaw – Jake Gyllenhaal gains a ton of muscle to play a left handed boxer who must overcome the death of his wife. After much inner turmoil and with the fate of his relationship with his daughter at stake, he must climb out and be the best boxer he can be so he can be the best father he can be. The movie received mixed reviews but I wouldn’t mind renting this. I mean, it’s Gyllenhaal and after his performance in Nightcrawler, I expect a solid performance.


The Gift – A husband and wife (Simon and Robin) move into a new home and run into an old acquaintance, Gordo, of Simon’s from high school. The couple accepts a gift of wine and invites him to their house for dinner. Gordo begins to leave more gifts and starts to stalk Robin while she’s home alone. Simon tries to tell Gordo that he is not welcome only then to be threatened by a 25 year old secret about Simon. The movie stars Jason Bateman (Arrested Development), Rebecca Hall (The Town) and Joel Edgerton (The Great Gatsby, Exodus: Gods and Kings). The film is also the directorial debut of Joel Edgerton. I really wanted to see this film but had scheduling conflicts. The film has a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes. I’ll be sure to rent this.


Max – This is supposed to be an uplifting family drama/adventure that centers around a military dog named Max. After Max’s handler, Kyle, is killed, he is then returned to Kyle’s family and ends up helping them heal from their loss. Thomas Haden Church (Sideways), Lauren Graham (Bad Santa), and Robbie Amell (Flash) star.


The Human Centipede III: The Final Sequence – The outrageous idea of a singular digestive system through multiple people is expanded upon in this latest installment from the Dutch filmmaker, Tom Six. This time, they are attempting to utilize 500 people (which are being sewn together a$$ to mouth) to create the largest, singular digestive system the world has ever known. The creepy actor from the original film, Dieter Laser, reprises his role as the crazed doctor. The movie even co-stars Eric Roberts (Best of the Best, The Dark Knight). Not for the easily grossed out.

July 2015 DvD/Blu-Ray Releases

July 7th, 2015


Woman in Gold
Ryan Reynolds and Helen Mirren in the same movie! The story focuses on how an older woman tries to get her family’s possessions back after she left Vienna, Austria while fleeing from the Nazis during World War II. Quite a great supporting cast as well: Katie Holmes, Max Irons, Charles Dance, Daniel Bruhl and Elizabeth McGovern.


5 Flights Up
A drama about an aging couple questioning whether they should move from their apartment. This seems like a drama for rich, white people. Okay, maybe not. The movie stars Morgan Freeman and Diane Keaton. My anticipation for seeing this is at ‘nope!’.


Arnie Schwarzenegger must take care of his zombie daughter. Critics were praising his performance in this. However, why can’t Arnie find a different story where he is being a good actor?


Kill Me Three Times
The only thing good about this is Simon Pegg. You can forget everything else. You follow a myriad of despicable characters going after money. This attempted off beat, dark comedy is anything but funny. Stay away I say! Review here.


This is a war thriller chronicling how a solider tries to survive in a hostile Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1971. This stars Unbroken star Jack O’Connell.


Steven Seagal is still fat and making direct to video/video on demand movies. Seagal plays a mercenary who is haunted by his past but most complete one last assignment….yawn!


Slow West
Saw this at the Omaha Film Festival like 3 months before it came out because I’m important and/or I live in Omaha. This is a solid western with excellent performances. It’s more of a character study than a western. This stars Michael Fassbender and Kodi Smit-Mcphee. Review here.


Alien Outpost
One of the descriptions of this turd states “what would terrorism look like in the future – from alien invaders?” A group of soldiers must remember what it means to be a soldier to battle aliens at an outpost. Sounds like a plot from a sh*tty video game.


Echoes of War
This western seems to have a decent cast. Just as the Civil War ends, a personal war begins for a man trying to run a fur trading business. The film features James Badge Dale, Ethan Embry (Can’t Hardly Wait), William Forsythe (Boardwalk Empire), and Maika Monroe (It Follows, The Guest).

July 14th, 2015


Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2
The most anticipated sequel finally makes its way to your living room as the goofy mall cop shows that he’s the best security guard out there. The plot centers around a national Security Guard Expo (ugh…) and how Blart must stop art thieves in Las Vegas.


The Longest Ride
Britt Robertson (Tomorrowland) and Scott Eastwood (Clint Eastwood’s son) star in this romance about a couple that handle their ambitions and their love for one another. At least Melissa Benoist (the new Supergirl) is co-starring.


The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
The targeted demographic for this movie is the elderly. Now, I’m not being an ageist by any means, but I believe I would have a hard time being attracted to this material if I were in my 70s. This sequel to the 2012 hit, focuses on self-reflection and humor in the face of imminent death while an Indian wedding is looking to bring everyone together. Judi Dench, Dev Patel, and Richard Gere star.


This is one of my favorite films of the year (review here). This is the thinking man’s sci-fi movie. The story which features the issues arising from A.I., includes great performances, believable dialogue, beautiful cinematography and awesome film direction.


It Follows
I really cannot wait until July 14th. This is my other favorite of the year (so far). A story about how a girl, after having sex with her boyfriend, becomes marked and is followed by an entity until she has sex with another person and the curse is passed on. It’s almost like a cautionary STD tale. The film has hipster elements as well as harkens back to the original Halloween in both film direction and eerie film score, courtesy of Disasterpeace (review here).


Clouds of Sils Maria
Juliette Binoche stars as an actress that is asked to participate in a play that launched her career. Her former role is now being played by a scandalous actress (Kristen “fart face” Stewart) and a parallel is being drawn between the character she must play and the one she used to play. Chloe Grace Moretz co-stars.


Goodbye to All That
Paul Schneider (1st season of Parks & Recreation) stars as a recently divorced man who must come to terms with dating again, all while raising a daughter. This is a story about second chances. I wouldn’t mind a Rob Schneider movie with the same synopsis but this looks so boring!

July 21st, 2015


Kung Fu Killer
Martial arts legend, Donnie Yen (Ip Man) stars in this film as a man wrongly convicted of murder. In order to obtain his freedom he must capture a man that is going around killing top martial artists in Hong Kong. Stupid plot leaves this open to potential awesome martial arts scenes. I’ll sign up for this one…make it a late night viewing.


Three friends, attempting to write a novel on feral children, are captured and become part of a game where they must kill other captives or starve to death. Meh…


What We Do in the Shadows
This film follows three vampires attempting to live together in New Zealand. They have to have a human retainer in order to pay the bills and they have to share chores and nightclub policies. I’d definitely check out the trailer to get an idea of the tone of this movie. Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement (Flight of the Concords) star in this film. I don’t know about you but I’m pumped for this!


Wild Horses
After a rancher walks in on his son engaging with another man, he chases the man off and banishes his son. Fifteen years later, the rancher is trying to put his estate in order and asks his son to return. At the same time, a Texas ranger reopens a case of a missing man (the man the rancher chased off) and begins investigating a possible hate crime. The film stars Robert Duvall, James Franco and Josh Hartnett. Rotten tomato score of 17%.

July 28th, 2015


Dreamworks presents a movie about an alien trying to avoid its own race while on Earth and befriending a teenage girl along the way. In their globe-trotting adventure, they begin to understand what it means to be human. Voice stars include Jim Parsons, Rihanna, and Jennifer Lopez.


This is a story about a six year love affair starring Justin Long (Waiting…, Tusk) and Kayla Servi. A meteor shower and a parallel universe serve as a backdrop to the couple’s bond. Their chemistry goes to show that anything is possible. You cannot force me to watch this.


Justice League: Gods and Monsters
Set in an alternate universe, different versions of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman find themselves framed for a bombing. They must prove their innocence. Will they save or conquer the world? Even as a comic book fan, it’s hard for me to get behind this storyline.


The Water Diviner
An Australian father (Russell Crowe) searches for the remains of his three sons as he journeys from the Outback to the Gallipoli Peninsula. His journey gives him new purpose in life and forces strong relationships. Someone pass the Nyquil!!!

The Case for Oscar Isaac

If you asked me about a year and a half ago if I heard of Oscar Isaac I would have no idea who you’re talking about. Now he seems to be everywhere.

I believe Isaac is the best actor because of the films he’s been in recently.

  • He plays an honorable man trying to adhere to his principles against the backdrop of a statistically violent New York City in 1981 in A Most Violent Year. That movie was so heartbreaking at times.
  • He played a supporting role as a desperate criminal trying to support his family in Drive. Although his role was minor, he definitely stood out.
  • He was the neurotic inventor in Ex Machina (he totally owned this role).As the eccentric innovator with dubious motives, you still couldn’t help but admire the odd charisma he portrayed on screen.
  • He wandered the Greenwich Village folk scene as a young, aspiring singer in Inside Llewyn Davis.
Oscar Isaac in “Drive”

He’s next up for the role of Apocalypse in X-Men: Apocalypse and a rebel X-Wing pilot (Poe Dameron) in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars Episode VIII. He was also recently tapped to play a lead in a HBO miniseries, Show Me a Hero, in which he’ll play a young politician that finds himself in the middle of a racial controversy. So it’s safe to say you’ll be seeing a lot more of him in the near future.

All I have to say is to not be surprised when you begin to see him everywhere. My prediction is that he’ll eventually get bigger than Chris Pratt. I’m referring to the myriad of different, popular roles you’ll begin to notice him in and not as a social media icon.

You can check out Oscar Isaac’s filmography here.

Ex Machina Review

I’ve wanted to see this movie for over a year now and finally got a chance to see it last night. My expectations were very high for this film going in. After viewing, I can say that it most definitely met my expectations.

The premise starts off simple and right away. Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson), a programmer from a google-esque company called “Blue Book”, wins a contest to take part in an experiment involving artificial intelligence. He is brought to a research facility in an undisclosed location in the mountains (scenery is courtesy of beautiful Norway) where he meets Nathan (Oscar Isaac), the tech CEO of Blue Book. Nathan tells Caleb he’d like him to perform a Turing test (a test developed to test a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligence) on Ava, a humanoid with artificial intelligence.


The foundation of the film is Caleb’s relationships with Nathan and Ava. We follow Caleb’s discoveries and only know what he is told but as the film begins to unfold; he becomes unsure of their true intentions. It is very difficult to explain much else of the film without giving away some of the surprises. Let’s just say the film raises a lot of questions like –

Once you create life do you have the right to own it? How do you determine A.I. when you don’t know if a machine simulates a response or actually feels it? How do we see ourselves once we become surpassed by superior intelligence? Where does our morality lie when it deals with A.I., especially when we are the ones that created it?

This is why the film is so important. It acknowledges the inevitability of the dawn of A.I. via mankind and raises questions that haven’t really been addressed. Just as I mentioned previously, we are developing technology too fast that we are not taking time to address how it’ll largely affect us.


Outside of this, the film is beautiful. The natural setting (waterfalls, mountains, glaciers, creeks), in Norway, contrasts sharply and purposefully, with the research facility(which is a real mansion in the countryside). The music is haunting at times and perfectly lends to the setting, eeriness and uncertainty that surrounds Caleb.

The performances in this are also noteworthy. They never have you doubting the plausibility of the situations in which they are in. Alicia Vikander plays a beautiful, though tragic, Ava. Domhnall Gleeson (Brendan Gleeson’s son) plays a rather susceptible participant. Oscar Isaac really takes the cake for his performance as the cocky, questionable genius. In every scene, he demands your attention, not necessarily for his superb dialogue but for his mannerisms that help build his persona onscreen. By the way, both Gleeson and Isaac will be in the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Alex Garland directed this and completely knocked it out of the park his first time around. He previously wrote 28 Days Later, Sunshine, Dredd, and Never Let Me Go (all of these being sci-fi pictures). He wrote the screenplay for the upcoming video game movie adaptation, Halo and will next write (adapt) and direct Annihilation, a story following a biologist on a secret expedition where the laws of nature do not apply (Imdb).

Grade: A


If Ex-Machina is showing in your city, be sure to check it out!

Cinematic Showdown : Gattaca vs. Blade Runner

It’s been awhile since I’ve attempted to hammer out another showdown and I apologize. It takes much effort!

This week, with the Blade Runner 2 news – I wanted to focus in on two science fiction movies that transcend the genre. Both of these films are pivotal as works of art that attempt to answer bigger questions (this is what I’m hoping for in Ex-Machina –review to be up very soon!).


Blade Runner examines what it means to be human whereas Gattaca examines how an advance in genetics creates a totalitarian government. Of course, to say the films are not deeper than that would be absurd. Both films are from different times and evoke concerns from the eras in which the films came out but remain relevant today. Technology is rapidly advancing and we do not take the time to ask how it can have moral implications Both of these films are excellent at raising bigger questions and are must see sci-fi classics.

Blade Runner (1982) Written by Hampton Fancher and David Webb Peoples from the book, “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” by Philip K. Dick. Directed by Ridley Scott.

Gattaca (1997) Written and Directed by Andrew Niccol.


Alright! To figure out which movie is better I considered the following factors:

  1. Story
  2. Performances
  3. Rotten Tomatoes
  4. Money Made
  5. Cultural Significance

1. Story

Blade Runner (1982)

The story follows Deckard, a retired cop, who is tasked with bringing down bioengineered beings (known as replicants) who escaped to Earth to extend their four year life span. Over the course of the story, Deckard meets an experimental replicant, named Rachel, which was given false memories. We also examine the idea of what it means to be human and our notions of love. The film is way ahead of its time and even our own.


Gattaca (1997)

In the not too distant future, eugenics becomes acceptable. Human DNA now determines social class — valids and the invalids. Vincent (Ethan Hawke) was born into a world where his parents decided to conceive him naturally, which gives him a disadvantage in every aspect of his life, even his own younger brother (whom his parents chose for genetic selection). Vincent challenges himself in every way possible but his DNA doesn’t identify him as valid. This realization causes him to go to great lengths in order to become an astronaut. Instead of focusing entirely on what it means to be human, Gattaca focuses on how will and determination define a person (some referred to this as the human soul). It is the ambiguity of this that keeps this film smarter.


Who has the edge? Gattaca. This was extremely difficult but Gattaca is more detailed than Blade Runner.

2. Performances

Blade Runner 

Remarkable performances in this film. Harrison Ford plays a good conflicted cop. Sean Young was solid as the replicant, Rachel, as she needs to convey assurances of herself and then needs to be taken aback by a self realization. Rutger Hauer, especially his speech before his memory faded, really shines here.


Roy Batty: “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain… Time to die.”


Ethan Hawke has been in movies since that Explorers movie in 1985 and you can tell why. He’s probably the most consistent actor out there. I really couldn’t imagine anyone else in his role. That holds doubly true for Jude Law who demands your attention in his role. Uma Thurman is good but her character isn’t really intriguing enough for her to shine.


[Irene has discovered Vincent’s secret]

Irene: I don’t even know who you are.
Vincent: I’m the same person I was yesterday.
Irene: I can’t hear any more of your lies Jerome…
Vincent: My name is Vincent, all right? Vincent Anton Freeman, and I’m a “faith birth” or a “de-gene-erate”, whatever you want to call it; but I am NOT a murderer!
Vincent: You’re a “God-child”?
Vincent: [takes Irene’s hand and places over his heart] But we do have one thing in common, only I don’t have twenty or thirty years left in mine. Mine is already ten thousand beats overdue.
Irene: It’s not possible.
Vincent: You are the authority on what is not possible, aren’t you Irene? They’ve got you looking for any flaw, that after a while that’s all you see. For what it’s worth, I’m here to tell you that it is possible. It is possible.

Who has the edge? Gattaca. This is entirely too close but it is the performances of Jude Law and Ethan Hawke that push them ahead.

3. Rotten Tomatoes

Blade Runner – 91% out of 96 reviews.

Critics Consensus:Misunderstood when it first hit theaters, the influence of Ridley Scott’s mysterious, neo-noir Blade Runner has deepened with time. A visually remarkable, achingly human sci-fi masterpiece.

Gattaca – 82% out of 55 reviews.

Critics Consensus: Intelligent and scientifically provocative, Gattaca is an absorbing sci fi drama that poses important interesting ethical questions about the nature of science.

Who has the edge? Blade Runner


4. Money Made 

Blade Runner

    Domestic Gross: $27,580,111

    Budget: $28 million (est)


    Domestic Gross: $12,532,777

    Budget: $36 million (est)

Who has the edge? Blade Runner. I had no idea both films were box office failures. It’s crazy how often talked about these films but they seemed to have lost money, at least in theater income.

5. Cultural Significance

Blade Runner has been talked about a lot lately with the announced sequel but every sci-fi fan has seen this movie and views it as a masterpiece. There would be no “The Matrix”, “Dark City” or “The Thirteenth Floor” without this movie. The questions it raises and the mesmerizing futuristic cityscape of Los Angeles make this one of the top sci-fi movies of all time.


Gattaca, on the other hand, isn’t your typical sci-fi movie. There’s no real emphasis on action or special effects but rather performances, set design, and the screenplay. Thought provoking and a masterpiece in its own right, but sadly under-seen by most movie goers.

Who has the edge? Blade Runner. Both movies have had countless numbers of critical analysis and research papers based off of their stories.


Overall Win? Blade Runner. I actually prefer Gattaca but you cannot deny the pop cultural significance of Ridley Scott’s masterpiece.

Why aren’t you reading Y : The Last Man ?

Is there a reason you haven’t read this comic book series that spanned from 2002-2008?! I’ve been wanting Hollywood to make this story into a movie so bad and it wasn’t until September of last year that New Line lost their film rights and since then there has been no news. What does Brian K. Vaughan (writer) have to do to get his stuff adapted? As if “Saga”, “Runaways” and “Ex-Machina” weren’t enough already?!

If you are not familiar with the overall premise, the story follows Yorick Brown, the last mammal on earth with a Y chromosome, as he attempts to find out what happened and find a cure. There are many interesting side stories and ideas that really make this shine apart from most dystopian stories. How will the world react to such a catastrophe? How will others find purpose in their lives? Is Yorick the answer?

ylastman_03-2As the infrastructure of the world collapses, Yorick tries to disguise himself as he searches for answers in New York City and is later helped with other women — a genetics scientist and a member of the Culper Ring (a mysterious agent) for a solution to a female only world. They encounter many different groups of people with different philosophies and intentions, especially upon understanding that Yorick is a male.

I may rant and rave about the “Preacher”, “Sandman” and “Watchmen” but I’d also say that this book is also in the same league as those excellent written books. It has some graphic violence and some nudity. Comic Book viewer discretion advised.
