Tag Archives: The Sword in the Stone

Disney is about to live in its Past….with live action remakes!!!

Today, the Hollywood Reporter reported that Disney would be developing a live action remake to the 1963 classic,  The Sword in the Stone. Brian Cogman (Game of Thrones) is set to write the script from Brigham Taylor, one of the producers of Pirates of the Caribbean. Let’s not forget that there’s going to be another King Arthur movie coming out soon as well — Knights of the Round Table: King Arthur (this is set to be a 6 film franchise with Guy Ritchie directing!). Personally, the best incarnation of King Arthur is Excalibur…hands down! You owe it to yourself to see that classic.


Just last week it was reported that there is going to be a live action Genies movie , an origins story based off of Aladdin that Disney hopes will become a franchise in its own right and eventually lead to a live action retelling of Aladdin.


Then there’s Jon Favreau’s The Jungle Book (there is another Jungle Book movie being developed with Warner Bros. and Andy Serkis directing — The Jungle Book : Origins). What’s crazy is that both movies will have A-list casts. Favreau’s film will have Bill Murray, Idris Alba, Ben Kingsley, Scarlett Johannson, Lupita Nyong’o, and Christopher Walken. Andy Serkis’ version (first time director) will have Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Naomie Harris,  and Benedict Cumberbatch attached. I don’t understand why both of these movies are going to be forced down audiences’ throats. I guess dueling at the box office (over the same stories) has yet to end.


That’s just the tip of what’s going to be coming from Disney! Here’s everything else that’s currently in the works.

Alice Through the Looking Glass (sequel to Alice in Wonderland) – May 2016
Beauty and the Beast – March 2017
Dumbo (being directed by Tim Burton) – 2017
Winnie the Pooh – TBD
Mulan – TBD
Pinnochio – TBD
Maleficent (yes, another one) – rumored
Tink (Tinkerbell from Peter Pan) – TBD – Reese Witherspoon recently announced to star as Tink.
Prince Charming (of Cinderella) – TBD


If you didn’t already know, Disney owns Marvel and Lucasfilm. It’s not like they should be hurting for money now or in the foreseeable future. I am concerned that Disney isn’t taking any chances on original ideas but then I’d be wrong in saying that. Actually, Disney has poured a LOT of money into getting more original material in theaters but sadly has failed pretty miserably in the category (see: Tomorrowland, John Carter, Mars Needs Moms, Treasure Planet, The Lone Ranger). So, what do they do to recoup? Rely on their tested and true material or…..just bank on for sure wins like Marvel movies, Pixar films and the anticipated release of those Star Wars movies.


Afterthought: If I had to make my dream live action version of a Disney animated film it would be Aladdin and involve these filmmakers:

Dream Director: Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire, Trance)
Dream Cinematographer: Wally Pfister (Inception)
Dream Writer: Wes Anderson (The Grand Budapest Hotel, Rushmore)