Check Out the Final Fantasy XV Cinematic Trailer!

Final Fantasy XV has a new cinematic trailer to help promote its end-of-November release. While we already knew that a significant portion of the game involves a contemporary urban world that’s not so different from our own, the new trailer teases a world that goes much deeper.

With dueling visions of life and death, a white dog who’s all of a sudden a black dog, and a sprawling cityscape versus a desolate wasteland and a giant three headed hell beast, it’s clear that there are much more fantastical elements to the game than some of the earlier peeks revealed.

Some of the graphics look stunning, though not in all places. Much of the world has a hazy visual effect in the same way that some Nintendo games use that haze to conceal suboptimal resolution in the landscapes and backgrounds.

Whether this is the best looking game ever or not, it’s certainly the most stunning edition of Final Fantasy ever released. That release date is November 29, 2016, and this time it looks like Final Fantasy fans’ tortured wait is finally coming to an end.


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